Dear friend! You all are cordially cordially invited to JetЛАГ-2012 @ Peacefull Valley.
This year's program is dedicated to the idea of edutainment and is titled! Let us remind you that JetЛАГ (JetLAG) is an annual Russian-American open-air music festival embracing a wide range of styles and genres (rock, folk, many kinds of sung poetry, jazz, swing, ska, klezmer, dj-parties and more). The gathering of jams and experiments is represented by Leonid Fedorov and Auktyon, Vladimir Volkov, Olga Chikina and Vera Votintseva (duo Devki-Dury), Jonathan Kane's February, Psoy & Daniel Kahn, DJ Spinach, Mobius, Half Past Four and others. Down with cultural jetlags! Long live the Good Music! Welcome to our JetCampus! Welcome to!
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Welcome to JetЛАГ-2012!
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